Three eggs waiting to hatch.
three eggs waiting to hatch..
Three eggs waiting to hatch.
my father died a couple of months ago.
he'd been ill for some time and had many health scares and heart troubles over the years but always managed to keep on going.
then one time he didn't.. i'm glad i got to know him again and spend some more time with him after so many years missed because of the wts but those years will always be lost forever.
Simon, the hatred - and I don't use the word lightly - the hatred you've received is fundamental, indoctrinated, and mandatory for all JW's who have friends or relatives who ever dare to question/doubt/reject the self-appointed "slave."
I totally empathise with your situation. My two J.W. siblings got together and decided that because I'd shared 100% truths with them, e.g. the org's involvement with the OSCE, & how much money was pouring in from the HQ sale. The straw which broke the camel's back was telling them about the org's use of a private company to provide backing music for a convention video. I then received a 'phone call from one, telling me never to contact them again for any reason, because I was saying negative things about the organization. Unbelievable! Truth is truth - whether you consider it negative or positive.
If they waken up I'll gladly welcome them back, but until then, we are dead to each other.
tommie robinson has reported often about what he sees as the demise of british society by the imposition of 'sharia' norms..
yesterday he was jailed for 13 months for reporting outside a court in the uk.
his was a non violent offence.. what no community service?
Watch and see how an ex-police officer has reacted to the news of his arrest. He's already been jailed now.
Quicker than a judicial committee's court.
i came across this on exjw reddit and thought you would be interested.
it is a fictional jehovah's witness film about shunning.
the film is due to be released in the uk in july 2018..
I really, really, hope that this film is 100% accurate in every aspect, so that it cannot be dismissed as "media lies" by JW's - despite the fact that they'll be fearful of watching it.
You can be sure that trolley-zombies will be quizzed about it.
i came across this on exjw reddit and thought you would be interested.
it is a fictional jehovah's witness film about shunning.
the film is due to be released in the uk in july 2018..
for those who don't know , there is an ex-jw "activist" in the north of england called mark who demonstrates outside kingdom halls , focusing on the child abuse issue and similar topics.
he regularly updates his visits on his youtube channel , which has gained something of a cult following .
occasionally ( albeit less frequently , as he is now well known ) he gets into the kh & shouts and disrupts the meeting.
Totally negative way to try and get JW's to listen. He's desecrating "the only place of true worship in that area."
Self-defeating, because it confirms their belief that anyone who leaves "the truth" is now obviously demonized/anti-Christ.
Bottom line, how many of us ex/fading JW's here, were woken up by an apostate's rantings & ravings about the org? Very few, I imagine.
How were we as JW's taught how to snare new converts? Find common ground, and then ask viewpoint questions about a topic.
Fight fire with fire!
now i can't remember who it was that asked for this.
that's what iget for being an old timer.
more coffee!red lion child abuse video!.
Thanks for the post Atlantis. The day of reckoning is long overdue for the WTBTS and its data base.
the public is getting very upset at the abuse of children.
how would the society survive if hit with this kind of award for the conduct of pedophile members when evidence shows they were trying to silence the victim by threats to protect the watchtower's reputation.
No doubt an appeal court will greatly reduce the $1bn award down to multiple millions, but even so, the WTBTS will be shuddering to see how much decent, non-JW individuals detest child-rapists. Get ready to be whipped, "slave."
by david gambacorta, staff writer @dgambacorta | [email protected].
martin haugh rolled out of bed one morning earlier this month, shuffled into his kitchen, and turned on his coffee maker.
while the machine gurgled to life, he glanced at his phone.
All praise and credit to everyone involved in exposing the WTBTS's concealment of child-rapists - especially Barbara!
it’s been very difficult, much more than i first anticipated to live a lie, (be pimo and a regular active member) i still live with my parents but i plan on moving out at the end of the year, so i really need to keep it together.
but i think people are starting to get suspicious that something is up.
i’ve stopped commenting, going on service all the time, talking at the door, and occasionally voicing something, such as a question that no one has a good answer for, that makes people think, but ahah, thinking is dangerous and wrong so that is suspicious of course.
Hmmmmm. I respectfully disagree with the suggestions to ask "awkward" questions. All that will do is get people to question you! Then prepare yourself for some real trouble from the local wolves.
If you need to fade quietly and painlessly - keep your mouth shut and continue to do less & less.
If you don't care, carry on asking those questions and stirring up minds. I did that in my last congregation (before I faded!) and received some very unpleasant treatment by the elders. JW's do not like having the "slave's" teachings being questioned - by someone who is clearly an independent thinker!
You have a PM.